Sunday, October 24, 2010

Johnny Lears (aka) Kyaw Zwar Myint's University Life 1952-1956

Johnny (aka) Kyaw Zwar Myint went to Mandalay University after he finished high school at St. Peters. It was around 1952, when he was a junior in Bachelor of Arts. Johnny wanted to join Forestry major after passing his senior intermediate but did not make it as he was sick when he tried the physical test. So he took English Literature and Math instead.
Johnny was living with his sister Gertie and her husband Tom who was an air traffic controller at Mandalay airport, and had to transfer to Rangoon University of Arts and Science a year before he got his degree due to Tom's transfer to Rangoon airport. Johnny taught English at St. John's Convent while he was finishing his B.A. degree.
Johny later on lived with his eldest sister Baby and her husband Budar in Alone Forest Depot in Rangoon. Budar was in a Forestry Department, and became personal assistant of Chief Commissioner of Forestry Department, U Thein.
That was when Johnny met his future wife May, Kyi May Thein, who was an only daughter of Chief of Forest Department, U Thein, and Daw May Kyi Thein.

1 comment:

  1. Kyaw Swa Myint was so handsome that Daw Khin May Than (Gen. Ne Win's wife) took him as an escort wherever she went.

    Gen. Ne Win loves "this" wife a lot that he afraid to intervened in her actions. But he was always tried to find a way to finish Bo Ga Lay Kyaw Swa Myint.

    Capt. Tin Oo (Lunbar), Maj. Sein Lwin (Butcher) and their groups were looking for a way to wipe out MIS top brass..So that they can take their place.

    Col. Lwin (Nha Khan Mhway Gyi) MIS Chief was so powerful at that time that Gen. Ne Win is afraid of MIS and he too wants to wipe them (Col.Lwin, Maj. Charlie, Tin Maung Htun, Tin Aung Go, Kyaw Swar Myint ,.etc) out.

    Furthermore, many of them were trained by US so those Socialist guys do not trust them.

    I'll write somemore later..
    Thats all for this time..
